Newcomer Tour

German cycling is currently celebrating world-wide success – which would not be possible without an efficient and targeted program for developing talent and providing races for those young riders. Together with the Bund Deutscher Radfahrer (BDR), the Lidl Deutschland Tour has set a goal of offering young German and international riders a unique platform to present themselves on the biggest stage. That's why the Newcomer Tour is part of the Lidl Deutschland Tour every year.

As part of the Lidl Deutschland Tour 2024, the Bund Deutscher Radfahrer e.V. invites you to the U17 national competition (female) with international participation from Saturday, August 24th to Sunday, August 25th in accordance with the general announcement.

24. August 2024Bertholdstraße, Villingen-SchwenningenU17 female
25. August 2024Blieskasteler Straße, BeedenU17 female

Teams can register via the BDR homepage

To the registration
